I had the privilege of working next to him for the entire workshop and this is one of the nicest and most helpful people I have every met.

One word about Rob's assistant Gio (Giovanni). On the last night we had a little celebration with Rob and his family across the street at one of the participants home and that was a very nice end to the workshop. At the end of the workshop Rob sold off all of his demo drawings and painting via a luck-of-the-draw process. The lunch was graciously provided by North River Arts Association each day and we all sat down to lunch together with Rob and his family on one day. The size of room really didn't allow for everyone to do a portrait so that is why it was setup this way.
Robert liberace may workshop full#
The second day was painting a full figure and the third day if was full figure if you were not facing the model directly and if you were facing the model, you could do a portrait. The first day was drawing from a live model with a single pose. He started each day with a demonstration every morning for about an hour and then we worked on our own paintings. We had about 20 people in the workshop but Rob did manage to get around to each of us about every hour.

He is very patient and encouraging and has the ability to look at your work and know exactly what needs to be addressed and he is very good at expressing his suggestions for your painting. Rob is very great at what he does which is paint and teach. I attended the Robert Liberace 3-day Alla Prima Potrait and Figure painting workshop hosted by the North River Arts Association this past August 27-29th and it is was a great experience.